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Resetting a users password

Description: The following instructions are for a support agent to manual reset a user password in the event dashboard. 

  1. 1.) Ask the user to verify the email which they are registered for the event with. 
  2. Select the Attendee field in the event dashboard navigation followed by the Attendee List field.
  3. Locate the attendee profile using the search criteria email contains followed by the email you recieved. Click on the edit icon to enter the attedee record. 
  4. In the attendee record scroll to the Login Fields section. Enter the default password for the event in the Password and Password Confirmation boxes. 
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save. When you recieve a Attendee successfully updated pop up the new password has been updated. You may now relay this pasword to the user in order for them to login to the event.