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Comparing Progressive Web Apps (PWA) vs Native Apps


A progressive web app (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web technologies to provide an app-like experience to users. PWAs are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but they can be installed on a user's device and launched from the home screen just like a native app.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser.
  2. Ease of Updating: PWAs are easier to update than native apps because they are server-side deployed. Users can get access to new features or bug fixes instantly, without needing to download updates from the app store.
  3. No App Store Approval: You don't need to go through an app store's approval process to launch or update a PWA. App store approval can often take 1-2 weeks. We also won’t need to be in direct contact with the IT department to set up app store code signing or to set up push notification certificates which can also be time-consuming.

Native Apps (iOS + Android)

  1. Easier to Install: Users can go to their respective app stores and download the app. PWAs require a few more steps to install, however, with careful design and instructions it can also be an easy install process. This is generally easier on Android than iOS as the browser will prompt them to install the app whereas iOS will not.
  2. Better Offline Functionality: PWAs have a limited amount of space where files can be stored for offline capabilities. The limit can range from 50MB or less based on the browser and device. In native mobile apps, the limit is as much space as the device has left.
  3. Eventfinity native apps are only available for iOS devices on the App Store. Android devices will have to use a PWA.