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Zebra ZC10L

The Zebra ZC10L is our large format credential printer. This printer cannot be networked and must be plugged directly into the computer. To print from the ‘Checkin App’ you will need to attach the iPad to the print server laptop that is connected to the printer. These printers are ribbon based printers so there is no ink or waste cartridge needed. The stock is just one size and one type which is a plastic 3.5in by 5.5in card. For setup you just need a tables that fit the printer which is 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. Voltage for the printer is 100-240v.

Best environment for these printers is an air conditioned room that can be locked up after hours. All equipment should be locked up after hours or have security to keep it protected. The stock can stick together so we recommend buying and air can onsite to spray the cards apart, this will help with static. Also make sure to fan through all of the credentials before putting them into the drawer. Touching each credential and separating them will help with sticking as well. If the event is using holograms please do not hologram before printing. Placing the hologram on the badge before printing can cause credential sticking to each other and can also cause the wheels and input tray to stick. The hologram will start to make the printer sticky and won’t allow for more cards to be pulled or pull too many at one time. For more information on the Zebra ZC10L please go to this link.

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